There are a variety of well known certified and bullion coins to choose from, but gold bars are also an option that could help you reach your financial goals. And three reasons to buy gold bars are fast, high volume diversification, more ounces of gold for less, and easy storage.
One: fast high volume diversification. Gold bars are ideal for high volume diversification because of their size and simplicity. Thus, gold bars are one of the fastest ways you can build your precious metals portfolio. When time is of the essence, buying gold bars can be your quickest means of achieving large scale gold ownership.
Two: more ounces of gold. If you're looking to buy physical gold at its lowest price per ounce, gold bars could be a great option. You can typically purchase more ounces of gold for less than if you buy the same amount of gold as individual coins. However, when it comes time to sell, coins may exchange for a higher premium.
Three: easy storage. The compact size, durability and portability of gold bars, allow for a variety of easy storage options. Gold bars can be stacked or stored side by side, with or without protective packaging.
If you're still wondering how gold bars can help support your precious metals portfolio and build wealth that last generations, call the number on your screen or click the link below. As America's Gold Authority, U.S. Money Reserve is here to help you every step of the way. Check out the Did you Know playlist on our YouTube page to see more interesting videos about gold and silver.