Following coin presentation by U.S. Money Reserve and U.S. Navy Memorial Foundation, Pearl Harbor survivors toured White House, honored by President Trump
AUSTIN, Texas, July 25, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — Three of the only five remaining USS Arizona survivors were honored during their long-awaited visit to Washington, D.C., July 19th through July 23rd. U.S. Money Reserve —in partnership with the U.S. Navy Memorial Foundation—held a special event to present the honorees with exclusive, commemorative Pearl Harbor Silver Coins. Following the coin presentation, the survivors paid their respects to fellow soldiers of service buried at Arlington National Cemetery, visited the Pentagon and White House, and were honorably greeted by President Trump.
On Thursday morning, Donald Stratton (Seaman, First Class), Lauren Bruner (Fire Controlman, Third Class) and Joe Ann Taylor, the daughter of Joe George—the man who saved the lives of Stratton and Bruner during the attack on Pearl Harbor—were recognized and each presented with a commemorative 5 oz. Pearl Harbor Silver Coin. The pure silver, government-issued coin was minted in limited quantities exclusively by U.S. Money Reserve to honor the 75th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. Ken Potts (Coxswain) was not in attendance and was presented with a Pearl Harbor Silver Coin at a later time during his visit.
“It's a beautiful remembrance of what happened on that day,” Joe Ann Taylor said of the Pearl Harbor Silver Coin. “It makes me think of my father, what he did and why he did it. It's so beautifully designed, and for my grandchildren and for my children they can look at it and remember, then tell those stories and keep those stories alive.”
Stratton and Bruner continue to push for proper recognition and a posthumous award for George. Though George, a boatswain's mate second class, was ordered to cut the rope that would detach his Vestal from the sinking Arizona, he went against orders and instead threw a weighted heaving line from the Vestal to the Arizona—a decision that would ultimately save six lives that day. Unidentified for his brave efforts for most of his life, George was finally revealed as the ‘unknown savior' nearly 50 years after the attack on Pearl Harbor. He passed away in 1996 and has never been officially recognized for his heroic actions.
“We deeply commend and support the service men and women who sacrifice so much for our country,” said Philip N. Diehl, president of U.S. Money Reserve.
“Our team was honored to recognize the USS Arizona survivors and Joe George's daughter, Joe Ann Taylor,” added Angela Koch, CEO of U.S. Money Reserve. “The Pearl Harbor Coin is a wonderful token of remembrance to honor our brave defenders of freedom.”
To further commemorate those who sacrificed the most during the attack on Pearl Harbor, U.S. Money Reserve has partnered with the U.S. Navy Memorial Foundation to help fund a Lone Sailor Statue at Pearl Harbor. The statue, proposed to be constructed with metal from the USS Arizona, will be raised on October 13, 2017, the U.S. Navy's official birthday.
For more information, or to speak with company leadership at U.S. Money Reserve, please contact Jim Warren at 512-583-6514 or [email protected] or Lacy Rushin at [email protected] or visit
About U.S. Money Reserve
U.S. Money Reserve is one of the nation's largest private distributors of U.S. government-issued gold, silver, and platinum products.
Founded in 2001, U.S. Money Reserve has grown into one of the world's largest private distributors of U.S. and foreign government-issued gold, silver, and platinum legal tender products. Hundreds of thousands of clients across the country rely on U.S. Money Reserve to diversify their assets with physical precious metals, primarily in the form of U.S. gold and silver coins.
U.S. Money Reserve's uniquely trained team includes coin research and numismatic professionals equipped with market knowledge to find products for precious metals buyers at every level. U.S. Money Reserve goes above the industry standard to provide superior customer service, with the goal of establishing a long-term relationship with each and every one of its customers. U.S. Money Reserve is based in Austin, Texas. Like them on Facebook, connect on LinkedIn, and follow on Twitter @USMoneyReserve.
SOURCE U.S. Money Reserve